Art will out in the end. I spent a career designing and making creative outputs for other people: companies; charities; educators; the state. Sex education materials, corporate presentations, information graphics. When the corporate world became stressful I wrote and drew satirical comics to amuse my equally stressed colleagues.
Now I make art to carry my own message, as cryptic as that may be. All my previous existences provide me with the tools to make it.
I print because print surprises me. Each stage in the process, each set of tools make different marks, introduce their own accidents. And then the final image, the mirror of the one you’ve been working on. This is the joy of printing.
Not much of a Curriculum about it, more a Fluviatilis Vitae
Artist/Printmaker (2019 - present)
Trying to present a greater truth about the world than I've managed to date
Freelance Researcher (2011 - 2018)
More surveying, analysing and the like, only without the administrative and political overhead of working in an organisation. Bliss
Manager, E-strategy Evaluation (Becta, 2007-2011)
The backbone of this job involved gathering and analysing other people’s research evidence. This then allowed me to do several things.
First of all, I wrote Becta’s annual research review. In 2007 I was part of the small team that put the review together. Then following a change to Becta’s structure, the job was done by me entirely.
Secondly, I developed and monitored some key outcome measures for the government’s technology strategy. I used these measures to feed into Becta’s strategic dashboard and provide briefings for senior managers and external bodies. I also contributed evidence and analysis to the renewal of the e-strategy and the development of Becta’s dashboard.
Acting Senior Manager, Educational Research (Becta, 2006-2007)
During this time I managed a team of research project managers and external consultants. I managed and monitored budgets and contributed to Becta’s research strategy. I also developed a survey instrument to help improve relationships following the merger of the strategy and evidence directorates.
Project Manager: Evidence and Research Development/Project Officer (Becta, 1998-2006)
I carried out a series of research studies of the implementation and use of technology in post-compulsory educational institutions. The major study was the annual survey of ICT and e-learning in English FE colleges that I carried out from 2000 – 2006.
I developed a database and website of pilot programmes for the University for Industry initiative, giving the DfEE an overview of these disparate projects. I also carried out evaluation studies of Becta events and the piloting of the Ferl Practitioner Programme staff development materials.
Manager (Student Services) (Warwick Business School 1997-1998)
I covered maternity leave from Jan-July 1997, and then carried out further projects for Warwick’s Distance Learning MBA. Tasks here included managing small production team and editing course materials, working with academic authors. Projects included research and evaluation of student perspectives of distance education.
Development Manager (Lloyds TSB Management College, 1994-1996)
I developed the Learning Resource Centre, including rationalizing the learning resource services of the merged Lloyds and TSB colleges. I managed an in-house MBA programme with Aston University. I led the development of distance learning materials for Ukraine Finance & Banking School.
Management Accountant (TSB Management College, 1992-1994)
This was a two-year secondment to develop electronic systems for purchasing, invoicing and financial reporting. It included management of accounts team.
Training Resources Assistant (TSB Management College, 1988-1992)
I created audio-visual and other training aids as part of an award-winning AV Unit. I ran training sessions on creating and using audio-visual aids.
Resource Designer (Brook Advisory Centres, 1987-1988)
I created and developed a range of teaching aids for teaching sex and relationships education to young adults with learning difficulties. This work followed a successful video project I did as a student with Lynn Bowles. The finished video "I've got this problem" was subsequently published by Brook.