Saturday 30 March 2024



 A companion piece to Circe. Poor Calypso weeping at Odysseus' departure on his raft. Prefering the risks of the open seas for the possibility of a return to Ithaca over immortality and her love.

Sunday 24 March 2024


 This year's Rugby Artists Group exhibition is on the horizon, with a theme of "Voyages". There's nothing in my recent oeuvre that speaks to me of voyaging so I had to come up with something. Classical literature is always a good source so the Odyssey seemed ideal. 

Circe was the first that came to mind, with some of the cursed sailors. The play of white and black areas is something thatt has come from the workshops that Eric Gaskell and I run. So I need to get it out of my system. I've got a couple of 10x8 frames in stock that will take this print and the companion piece of Calypso that I'm working on next.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Artist's bedroom, Cemex

 The second print in this series. I was talking to Clare Pentlow about my idea for doing views of Cemex and she mentioned seeing it from a bedroom window (maybe her mum's). So that sent me thinking about famous bedrooms. So here we have a take on Van Gogh's. Though the chair is mine, and the pics on the wall.

Doing these larger prints does take time. Especially when doing several colours. I used several smaller blocks stuck on a board for the red and yellow to reduce the sheer amount of cutting. You can see the yellow one in the pic below.